ISAM File I-O Functions and Statements Opening and closing tables and databases ---------------------------------------- OPEN database$ FOR ISAM tabletype tablename$ AS #- filenumber% Opens a database or creates a new database, opens a table or creates a new table. CLOSE Closes a specified table. TYPE tabletype columnname AS tablename {columnname AS typename} END TYPE Declares the type of the record that is used to build the table. Managing the data dictionary ---------------------------- CREATEINDEX Creates an index. DELETEINDEX Deletes an index. Positioning ----------- MOVEFIRST Makes the first record current. MOVELAST Makes the last record current. MOVENEXT Makes the next record current. MOVEPREVIOUS Makes the previous record current. SEEKEQ SEEKGE SEEKGT Makes matching record current. SETINDEX Makes the named index the current index. Getting information about a table --------------------------------- BOF Returns TRUE when the current position is beyond the first record of the current index. EOF Returns TRUE when the current position is beyond the last record of the current index. FILEATTR Returns information about an open ISAM table. GETINDEX$ Returns name of the current index. LOF Returns the number of records in a table. Exchanging data --------------- INSERT Inserts a record in a table. RETRIEVE Retrieves the current record. UPDATE Overwrites current record. DELETE Deletes the current record. Transaction processing ---------------------- BEGINTRANS Marks the beginning of a transaction. CHECKPOINT Saves all currently open databases to disk. COMMITTRANS Commits all changes since the most recent BEGINTRANS. ROLLBACK Rolls back data to its state at the savepoint. ROLLBACK ALL Rolls back state of database to beginning of current transaction. SAVEPOINT% Defines a savepoint and returns savepoint's reference number. Comparing text -------------- TEXTCOMP Compares two strings as they would be compared by ISAM.